Human actions
Human actions

human actions

We can help to protect primates by not viewing or sharing videos that show animals in unnatural situations. When people view such content, they often say they want a primate as a pet and are less likely to believe that these animals are endangered. However, many of these pictures and videos show them in artificial contexts, such as primates wearing clothes or interacting with office equipment. Primates are cute, and we love to watch videos of them. Researchers have discovered that our choices of what we watch on YouTube, Instagram or TikTok can end up fuelling the use of primates as pets or in entertainment. Nevertheless, your media choices can still affect their conservation. If you live outside a country where primates live, you may never see a live primate outside of a zoo. There’s also the possibility that pathogens – viruses, bacteria or parasites – could evolve to spread more easily or become more deadly. Dog diseases such as canine heartworm and parvovirus can be passed from dogs to primates, and could potentially be fatal. When diseases jump between animal species, they can cause serious harm to a species that does not have the necessary resistance. Reducing these potentially lethal encounters depends on conservationists communicating with dog owners, who often don’t recognise the danger their dogs pose to such wildlife. These predators sometimes kill and injure primates, but they also may simply chase and harass them, disrupting their socialising or foraging.īeing on the lookout for harassing dogs is stressful and causes primates to use more energy. Our review shows that dogs are present in many primate habitats.

human actions

DogsĮverywhere we go, our best friends are likely to go with us. But primates are a diverse group of animals with a wide geographical range, so there are many more subtle ways our actions as humans put these wonderful animals at risk. You’ve probably heard about the main problems, like deforestation and the loss of habitat. But an estimated 60% of all primate species are listed as vulnerable, threatened or endangered, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, a network of environmental organisations. Monkeys, apes and lemurs are cute, familiar and lovable.

Human actions