Playwatch hanzo
Playwatch hanzo

Either in the middle of a long-range duel (engage after he aimed for a little while and is about to shoot, that will be the point he is most focused and most likely to not register or register late) or when he is being dove by someone else. I would wait until he is engaged with something. You have the advantage of taking the fight when YOU like. AD-crouch spam, but make sure the pattern is not too small a range, or it won’t matter much - unlike against McCree.Īlso think about when you engage him. If you duel him at that range, your movement has to be really good. I can’t even begin to imagine what it is like on Sombra that has no such tricks. As Tracer it is also pretty damn hard, and she has blinks to confuse him. Your hitboxes become big at that range, and especially your head and the arrow hitbox makes it quite easy for him to delete you. Having an escape route and keeping the bow shooting and pointing at opponents will keep them guessing.It is tough for close-range to go up against Hanzo. In Overwatch 2, Reaper may Shadow Step his way into Hanzo's sniping spot and wreak havoc with his Hellfire Shotguns. Always be prepared for teams to formulate a strategy to take Hanzo out if the player starts racking up kills from one spot. The player should spend time getting down his movement and practice effectively landing headshots while pacing back and forth. With proper training, Hanzo can quickly become one of the most effective killers in all of Overwatch 2. Additionally, with Zarya's Ultimate trap set, the player can stack Hanzo's Dragonstrike to wipe a whole team. If an enemy team is close together, this move can pull them into a tight pocket and, more importantly, take away the ability to heal in Overwatch 2 or defend. Zarya's Ultimate Ability is Graviton Surge, which pulls enemies into one spot. Zarya is a great Tank Hero to team with Hanzo, as her Ultimate can up the chances of landing Dragonstrike if timed right. Using Dragonstrike to break up a formation and isolate individual players will help Hanzo, and his teammates pick them off. Dragonstrike can mess up an opposing team's game plan without eliminating any players because it has such a wide radius and goes through walls, opposing players must be aware and get out of the dragon's way. When Dragonstrike lands, it can clear out an entire team in one blow, but experienced players won't bunch up and wait for Ultimate Attacks like this. 250 health is enough to kill any other DPS or Support Hero in one shot, except an armored-up Bastion, who would still have 50 health left over.


A regular arrow at full knock can do 125 damage and doubles to 250 for a headshot. With one less enemy, teams only have one Tank on the field for Hanzo to worry about, meaning everyone else is fair game for a one-shot kill. The change that may affect Hanzo most positively is from the 6V6 battle system to 5V5. Several changes to gameplay and other heroes in Overwatch 2 have a trickle-down effect on Hanzo. Many players were spamming this ability in Overwatch for easy duel wins. The Storm Arrow change brings each body shot from 70 to 65, so it requires four hits to take down over 200 damage instead of three. Related: Overwatch 2: Kiriko Character Guide (Tips, Tricks, & Abilities) Storm Arrows are the only significant Hero change for Hanzo from Overwatch to Overwatch 2, as they've taken a five-point damage reduction. Storm Arrows release a rapid-fire barrage of five arrows that do less damage per arrow but take much less time to hit the mark. The Storm Bow fires a quiver of specialized arrows with unique abilities attached. As a result, Hanzo can quick-fire in a tight situation for less short-range damage.

playwatch hanzo

Hanzo's bow is called the "Storm Bow" its arrows not only do double the damage when charged but also travel further.

Playwatch hanzo